Calling all UK music providers - inspire more people to engage in music-making!
Are you passionate about widening access to music? Do you have resources to be able to offer free taster lessons across a weekend in autumn ’25? If so, join us as a Learn to Play ’25 Provider!
Even if you already offer free taster lessons/try outs all year round, you could further benefit from teaming up with Music for All across the official LTP weekend, read on to find out how!
Becoming a Learn to Play Provider is a fantastic opportunity to:
- Raise your profile locally and online
- Engage your local community through the joy of music
- Generate sales in your business
- Increase your teaching portfolio
- Recruit new members to your music group
- Join an inspiring community advocating the life changing benefits of music-making!

Read more about the Learn to Play project by clicking here.
Or if you are interested to engage as a participant this year, click here!
As a provider you will need to finance and resource your own LTP activity as you would any event. In turn, you will experience a breadth of benefits such as increased engagement and sales obtained through your participation – these will invariably outweigh the upfront costs by far! Music for All are able to offer a limited number of grants (up to £400) to small scale/not-for-profit organisations requiring additional support in a particular aspect of their Learn to Play offer. Email to request an application form.
- An LTP ‘24 Promo Pack delivered to your door. Filled with A4 & A3 posters, postcards, balloons and stickers!
- Your event advertised on our website and included in regional PR coverage where possible.
- Access to an exclusive LTP resource web page to receive the latest guidance and updates to help you run your Learn to Play event successfully and safely.
You might not have all three of the features (teaching resources, instruments (where required) and a venue) required to deliver an event from the outset, but don’t feel discouraged! You could explore working in partnership for example, providing the venue for an individual teacher or community group to host their event. Delivering in partnership is also a great opportunity for your to strengthen your community connections.
We recommend reaching out via word of mouth or social media to your local community and organisations, to explore how collaborating could result in delivering a successful event. If you’re struggling to find someone suitable, get in touch as we may have suggestions.
Your event will be added to an interactive map on Music for All’s Learn to Play section of the website and we will provide you with numerous tips, suggestions, social media templates, digital and physical marketing materials to support you in getting the word out to your local community. In addition, we will support you in both national and regional PR coverage in the lead up to the weekend and you can be in direct contact with our PR specialist to arrange additional press. Historically, we have found that those providers who are proactive in marketing their events locally results in a fully booked, productive and fulfilling weekend!
No, Music for All do not manage bookings, we simply sign-post participants to their local offers. When completing your registration form you will be presented with multiple options and be able to decide how you would like to manage bookings or simply operate a ‘drop in’ basis – this information is then made public. Therefore participants will know if they need to contact you directly in advance to book a lesson.
If you have any further questions about getting involved, email:
Learn to Play is Supported by: