Music for All launch first Annual Report

January 2021

Welcome to Music for All’s first Annual Report. This in-depth report reviews our significant events of 2019/20 and provides an overview of how the charity continues to fulfil its mission of helping people of all ages and backgrounds get involved in music making.

It also details the volume and type of grants we have awarded with stories and comments from award recipients. For those Music for All has helped their joy is unbounded. As Jessica, who always wanted to play the piano, comments – “I can say that this is truly a miracle. Help with piano lessons is allowing me to achieve my goal but is also helping my mental welfare.”

And Stephen trying to record his debut album says – “Without the support of Music for All, I would still be several months away from being able to go into the studio.”

For community groups Music for All awards impact a wide range of people. The Blue Light Symphony Orchestra supports members of Cornwall’s emergency services through music therapy. They said “This award is a huge boost to us. The money will mean we can get more of our percussionists involved.”

The ability of music to promote positivity and social cohesion during these bleak times is evident everywhere. The charity plans to ensure we can continue to provide access to music making despite the economic, educational and social challenges people face. The knowledge Music for All can bring such joy to people’s lives and the continuing support of our donors provides constant inspiration and fuels Music for All’s ambition.

If you feel inspired to become a fundraiser get involved or donate or to apply for grant or learn more about award recipients visit impact stories. We look forward to hearing from you.